Tuesday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 301/303 Broadway Street Cottonwood Falls, Kansas 66845 (620) 273-8500
Membership and Ways to Give
Annual Memberships
Student: $10; Resident: $25; Non-Resident and/or Organization: $35; Lifetime Patron: $500
The 2024 Match Day is November 18.
More information will be available soon!

Emporia Area Match-Day Giving 2023
The Chase County Historical Society especially invited contributions on November 13, 2023, via the Emporia Community Foundation’s Match Day. Contributions were matched on a prorated basis from a pool of funds. For further information about Match Day, see https://www.emporiamatchday.com

Donations and Bequests
Financial Donations
The Chase County Historical Society sincerely appreciates support through donations that help to fulfill its mission.
The Chase County Historical Society is a 501(c)(3), not for profit organization. Qualifying donations are tax deductible.
Donations may be sent to: Chase County Historical Society, PO Box 375
Cottonwood Falls, Kansas 66845.
Seniors, age 70 1/2 and older, may reduce their taxable adjusted gross income by making a Qualified Charitable Donation (QCD) from an IRA to a qualified charitable institution, like the Chase County Historical Society.
The Chase County Historical Society invites bequests to the Society from those wishing to support our mission. Charitable bequests are eligible for estate tax deductions and will reduce estate taxes.
If you would like to discuss your donation, contact us at (620) 273-8500.
Donations of Objects and Records for the Collection

Most of the objects, photographs, and records in the
collection of the Chase County Historical Society were received through donations. The collection focuses on objects and records which help to tell the history of Chase County, without duplicating our existing holdings.
We seek photographs, letters, diaries, yearbooks,
advertising, school records, business records, organization records, and items of historical interest.
We accept objects that were made in or by a Chase Countian, or used in Chase County, that give significant information about Chase County or its people. They also may have a direct relationship to important events or people in Chase County history, or they may illustrate a significant part of Chase County life. Generally, objects should be in good condition.
We will be happy to consider any object or record for donation, but we reserve the right to accept donations on a case-by-case basis in accordance with our needs.
Call the Chase County Historical Museum at
(620) 273-8500 or send a message to cscohistsocmuseum@gmail.com.